Archivos mensuales: abril 2024

Blogs de Idiomas

Dexway Academy AI Role-play for unlimited language practice

Dexway language courses have recently undergone some changes with the addition of new functions and tasks powered by artificial intelligence. Virtual tutorials or evaluations and feedback for writing and speaking tasks are just two examples, but there are many more. As one of our most successful versions, Dexway Academy includes some of these features, but we have also launched another version: Dexway Academy AI Role-play. This new range of courses, with an increased number of total hours, features role-play activities in all units in order to encourage free and autonomous practice of spontaneous oral and written skills like never before. [...]

Por |24 abril, 2024|Idiomas|

All the answers to your blended learning questions

The blended learning methodology has recently become one of the most popular e-learning methods, giving rise to many questions about blended learning. Management, heads of studies and teachers have all asked us about how to use Dexway courses alongside this successful methodology. The aim of this article is to answer all, or many, of these frequent doubts about blended learning and analyse why it has become such an educational phenomenon. To give an idea of its impact, studies such as this one on British universities show that 69% of them already use, or intend to begin using, blended learning. This [...]

Por |11 abril, 2024|Idiomas|

Descubre la base científica que hay detrás de la prueba de cribado Dytective Test

​Seguramente, has oído hablar de que nuestra prueba de cribado para detectar riesgo de dislexia, llamada Dytective Test, ha sido diseñada con inteligencia artificial, y de manera científica. Para que puedas conocer todos los detalles sobre la investigación que hay detrás de nuestra prueba de cribado, compartimos el artículo publicado en la prestigiosa revista Plos One, una revista científica internacional de primer nivel, donde se describe el proceso que se llevó a cabo para validar la prueba de cribado Dytective. El artículo está abierto al público y lo puedes consultar aquí: ARTÍCULO CIENTÍFICO SOBRE LA PRUEBA DE CRIBADO DYTECTIVE EN PLOS [...]

Por |10 abril, 2024|Idiomas|

The challenges of AI in language teaching

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a ubiquitous tool in language teaching (and in every area of life). It radically transforms the way languages are learned, but also how they are taught. However, its growth has also highlighted a number of challenges for AI in language teaching that require constant attention and the proactive attitude of professionals in the education sector.     The reliability of AI systems used in language learning is crucial, as any errors or inaccuracies could have a significant impact on the learner’s understanding and progression. In addition, keeping student data private is a fundamental factor [...]

Por |4 abril, 2024|Idiomas|
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